Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Add Expertise To Your Team

You bring the product development challenge, and we bring the expertise. Together, we can deliver products that satisfy both your business goals and your customers’ needs.

We are renowned for our proficiency in hardware design, embedded software, systems engineering, electronics engineering, and software product development.


Seamless Product Development

Leverage the global power of HUBrt for your product development needs, whether you seek temporary outside expertise, longer-term talent injection, or end-to-end outsourcing. 

Our Services

Three ways that HUBrt augments your teams to get your project done!

Turnkey Projects

Full-cycle development services for any tech stack, any business application.

Managed Teams

We coordinate managed teams closely following your guidelines.

Team Extension

You supply the management, we supply the talent to give your team the tools to get the job done.

Benefits Of Augmented Teams

Experienced Staff

Objective Outlook

Cut Costs

Boosted Flexibility

Skills You Need

Save Time & Money

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Lets TALK.